Behaviour Leadership

"It is not enough to simply manage behaviour - we must show the same kind of leadership with behaviour as we do with learning. Everyone who works in a school is a leader of behaviour."

Jake Mansell - Director, Narrowing the Gaps Ltd

Webinar: The R9 Model for Behaviour Leadership

Date and time

We are currently scheduling the next webinar. If you would like to be notified when we have identified a date, please use our Quick Contact Form


This webinar is tailored for primary or secondary classroom teachers, but anyone who works with children and young people will benefit.

In brief

Highly practical and interactive live webinar exploring the R9 Model for Behaviour Leadership. The R9 Model comprises nine areas of consideration that impact on educators' capacity to foster appropriate behaviour: Relationships, Readiness, Rights, Responsibilities, Routines, Rules, Recognition, Responses and Reflection.


75 minute live webinar


£9.50 per person.

Full session details

What to expect

This is an interactive live webinar. You will be presented with a coherent model for thinking about and addressing behaviour in your classroom. As we explore each of the nine areas, you will also be invited to contribute (via the chat function), although there is no obligation to do so.

Aims and objectives

  • To recognise that behaviour management is often not sufficient to deal with an issue as complex and relational as behaviour, and that behaviour leadership is a more proactive and effective approach.

  • To understand the nine areas of consideration in the R9 Model of Behaviour Leadership (Relationships, Readiness, Rights and Responsibilities, Routines and Rules, Recognition and Responses, and Reflection).

  • To understand a number of practical strategies to enhance your practice in each of the nine areas.


Led by Jake Mansell, the Director of Narrowing the Gaps Ltd.

Sign-up process

We are currently scheduling the next webinar. If you would like to be notified when we have identified a date, please use our Quick Contact Form