Outstanding INSET for your school

"If we are to model in the training room the same inclusivity that we are trying to foster in classrooms then INSET must be thought-provoking, interactive, practical and engaging."

Jake Mansell - Director, Narrowing the Gaps Ltd

Half-day INSET from £12.50 per person

Twilight INSET from £10 per person

Webinars for your staff from £8 per person

Our full range of INSET themes


Classroom practitioners


Learners can fall behind their peers for many reasons but by making small changes to the way we teach we can reach these learners.


Highly practical, interactive and experiential INSET exploring the five elements of Inclusive Quality First Teaching (IQFT): Maximising Participation; Engagement through Challenge; Thinking and Meta-cognition; Dialogue; and Collaboration.


Classroom practitioners


Even before the pandemic, disadvantaged learners were persistently underachieving when compared to their peers, and Covid-19 exacerbated this problem. Sustained recovery will not be achieved through one-off programmes or catch-up tutoring. Instead we must make our day-to-day teaching more inclusive to ensure our classrooms work for all learners.


Highly practical, interactive and experiential INSET exploring the five elements of Inclusive Quality First Teaching (IQFT): Maximising Participation; Engagement through Challenge; Thinking and Meta-cognition; Dialogue; and Collaboration.

Narrowing Attainment Gaps for Disadvantaged Learners


Classroom practitioners


Even before the pandemic, disadvantaged learners were persistently underachieving when compared to their peers, and Covid-19 exacerbated this problem. Sustained recovery will not be achieved through one-off programmes or catch-up tutoring. Instead we must make our day-to-day teaching more inclusive to ensure our classrooms work for all learners.


Highly practical, interactive and experiential INSET exploring the five elements of Inclusive Quality First Teaching (IQFT): Maximising Participation; Engagement through Challenge; Thinking and Meta-cognition; Dialogue; and Collaboration.


Classroom practitioners


If learners are to fully access a challenging curriculum, they must do a number of things that are hard, such as remembering content, understanding key concepts, and analysing information. Ensuring that learners are motivated to engage in such challenge, and appropriately supported to do so, is not straightforward, especially for less confident learners. Challenge and Engagement for All digs down into this vital aspect of successful, inclusive teaching and learning.


Highly practical, interactive and experiential INSET exploring Inclusive Quality First Teaching; challenge, motivation and engagement; the challenge and support dials; the importance of behavioural, emotional and cognitive engagement; and a number of practical teaching and learning strategies that illustrate challenge and engagement.

Anyone who hopes to lead change in a school, or indeed any organisation.


Change is the one constant of working in education, but the fact that it is commonplace does not mean it is well understood or easy. This course presents a stripped down model of change that allows anyone responsible for leading change to focus on the most important basics.


Highly practical, interactive and experiential INSET exploring a very simple and effective model that can be applied to any change leadership scenario.