Inclusive Quality First Teaching
"I'm absolutely buzzing with ideas to try on Monday."
Participating teacher
INSET on Inclusive Quality First Teaching
INSET on Narrowing Attainment Gaps*
INSET on Recovery Education: Recovering, Every Day*
INSET on Narrowing Attainment Gaps*
INSET on Recovery Education: Recovering, Every Day*
Tailored for primary or secondary classroom teachers. Other frontline staff will also benefit.
In brief
Highly practical, interactive and experiential INSET exploring and modelling the five elements of Inclusive Quality First Teaching (IQFT): Maximising Participation; Engagement through Challenge; Thinking and Meta-cognition; Dialogue; and Collaboration.
Option 1: Inclusive Quality First Teaching (full day INSET)
Full day face-to-face INSET. Hosted at your school and scheduled to suit your INSET timetable.
Option 2: An Introduction to Inclusive Quality First Teaching (half day / morning INSET)
Half-day face-to-face INSET. Hosted at your school and scheduled to suit your INSET timetable.
Option 3: Inclusive Quality First Teaching taster session (twilight INSET or webinar)
Twilight face-to-face INSET or interactive webinar. Hosted at your school or on your school's videoconferencing platform and scheduled to suit your school day.
Full and transparent costings for INSET sessions are available on the costs page.
Full session details
What to expect
This is a highly interactive and practical session, where colleagues will try engaging teaching and learning techniques in pairs or table groups and reflect on what makes each technique effective and how it might be adapted to their specific classroom context. During frequent focused discussions the facilitator will also model a range of inclusive questioning and dialogue methods. We'll also sometimes be out of our seats engaged in 'whole class' activities.
This is no 'chalk and talk' session: participants will be engaged in various challenges and will be very active throughout. This is essential to model the pedagogy of Inclusive Quality First Teaching. Colleagues can expect to have their thinking challenged in various ways throughout the day, and will be encouraged to step into the shoes of less confident learners to better understand their experience of the classroom.
Aims and objectives
To recognise the five learner behaviours associated with 'narrow gap' classrooms, and how these behaviours can be supported through Inclusive Quality First Teaching (IQFT).
To understand that 'dumbing down' a challenging curriculum for learners who have fallen behind will further disadvantage vulnerable learners, and that engagement in appropriate challenge is essential for all learners, especially in the context of post-pandemic Recovery Education.
To explore experientially a range of effective teaching and learning strategies that effectively include currently less confident learners and secure engagement in appropriate levels of challenge.
To consider questioning and dialogue techniques that support the inclusion of currently less confident learners.
To consider a range of factors that influence motivation and engagement with learning.
These courses are led by Jake Mansell, the Director of Narrowing the Gaps Ltd.
The session is run in your school hall or large learning space with colleagues working together around tables. Groups of six are ideal, as this allows for colleagues to work as individuals, pairs, trios and whole table groups. The venue should have a large enough breakout space for all participants to take part in 'out-of-seats' activities.
Technology and resources
The venue should be equipped with a data-projector and screen or giant TV screen with HDMI input; and a paper flipchart or whiteboard. Participants will need access to paper, pencil and pens.
Booking process
If you would like to make a cost enquiry or go ahead and book, please use our no obligation booking enquiry form. If you'd like to know more, please get in touch.
"Outstanding! I felt exhausted by the end of the session. All too often the teachers in our school feel exhausted - I want the learning to be like THIS so that it's the learners who feel exhausted (in a good way!)" Head teacher participant in conference taster session
"Many thanks for your excellent presentation yesterday. As I mentioned in my closing words, you offered so many useful tips and ideas and I have been thrilled to see that some of them have already been implemented today. Great news and just what I was trying to achieve." Rowena Edington, Head of Learning Support, Eaton House The Manor Girls’ School
"Excellent demonstration of strategies. I learned almost as much from the way in which you modelled an inclusive classroom ethos during the session as I did from the strategies themselves. Brilliant!" Participating teacher
"I've been teaching for twenty years and that was the best INSET I've ever had. Thank you!" Participating teacher
"I'm absolutely buzzing with ideas to try on Monday." Participating teacher
*A note on the Narrowing Attainment Gaps and Recovery Education themes
Narrowing Attainment Gaps for Disadvantaged Learners and Recovery Education: Recovering, Every Day are sub-themes of Inclusive Quality First Teaching and are therefore delivered through an appropriately modified version of this INSET on Inclusive Quality First Teaching.